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Crazy T's (Previously Crazy Tuesdays)

Why we decided to abandon this

Nowadays different team members are working on different projects that have specific approaches. We commit ourselves to being flexible and trying to fit as good as we can in each team. This renders this particular approach impractical to use.

We still strive to have some uninterrupted time in our day for proper focus on getting things done and try to get as much as reasonably possible asynchronously via messages in Teams or Slack.

What it is

We all need some focus time to complete work. We try to restrict meetings and other activities as much as possible to allow us to complete that work but it's inevitable that interruptions will happen throughout a day.

Because of this we created the Crazy T's. Tuesdays and Thursdays are full days totally reserved for concentrated work. Nobody is allowed to create meetings on these days and it's reserved for your own work, adhoc pair programming or brain storming. Due to the success of the original Crazy Tuesdays we decided to expand it to include Thursdays as well meaning it became "Crazy T's" instead of "Crazy Tuesdays"